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6 Ways To Find Your True Passion

Practicing activities that bring you joy has both personal and professional benefits in life. If you’re especially excited about exercise or another type of hobby, then you might have just discovered your passion. Passion is a value with significant meaning for an activity that you love doing. However, finding your passion may be difficult as you have to look and analyze a particular idea or concept to be sure that it’s what you want. 

You naturally go through different phases when it comes to your hobbies. From new ones you can’t wait to try out to old ones you might have been doing forever. But just because you spend some time working on a specific hobby, doesn’t mean it’s your “true” passion. 

Take a look at the list below and pick up six ways to find your true passion and apply them to gain more fulfillment. 

Write Down What Matters

Finding your passion can be tricky, and if nothing comes to mind about your passion, you need to write down what matters. Find a quiet place to brainstorm your ideas. Take a sheet of paper, make a list of what activities or ideas you love doing. Don’t worry about organizing the ideas immediately, make it random and see what specifically interests you.

You can check your computer or phone, around your house, or a book for motivation, then jot down the ideas that come to mind. Eventually, you will organize the list later – remember there is no bad idea in this phase.

Follow the Joy

After listing all your ideas, choosing your passion from the ideas listed won’t be difficult. This is one thing that brings you joy every time you do it. Is it a hobby or something you’ve always done since childhood but never foresaw it as a job opportunity? 

Something as simple as dressing the part when doing something can also make it that much more joyful. Mix and match different outfit pairings or browse glasses online to smart up any look with a functional accessory.  

Ask a Friend

Odds are you’ve admired one or more people in your life and it often has to do with certain characteristics that appeal to you, this can be a clear hint of what you’re passionate about. 

Additionally, as the saying goes, friends know you better than you even know yourself. That’s why it’s worthwhile to approach the people that are closest to you and ask them what seems to excite you the most or what you always seem to talk about. 

See how they implemented what they love or are doing to discover their passion or whether they’re content with the passions they have. The more possibilities you realize through friends, the more likely you’ll find your own.

Find the Best Parts of Your Job

When you work on something that truly inspires you to perform well in your job and motivates you to perform better, you may have inadvertently discovered your passion. By identifying the best parts of your job, you come to understand what aspects you can branch out and work on exclusively as a passion project.

The more time you invest in something you love, the more likely you’ll find yourself enjoying what you do professionally. If you desire to work on your passion, It can take many forms, but having a mission or goal may inspire you to work harder than ever before. 

Choose a Role Model

Every time you make a decision, you base it off of information. Oftentimes that information is picked up from the people that surround you. If you’re unsure of what to pursue, interest-wise, it can help to emulate those you look up to. 

Consider Your Impact

Passion is all about you, but it can also involve an important cause that impacts many others. Think about ways you’d like to improve the world or your community. Narrow down your options by asking if it’s a specific group or issue you’re targeting. By finding answers to that question, you can stumble upon a passion that lasts a lifetime. 

Find Your Purpose

There is no science behind finding your true passion. Passion is a feeling and an action. To sustain your passion, you have to make it a habit motivated by a goal and mission to achieve it. You may need to invest some of your time to identify that passion, but by doing so, you’ll prioritize your well-being and happiness in the long run.

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