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9 Tips For Preventing a Hangover While Traveling

If you have ever experienced a hangover you know how terrible it is. You may feel nauseous, have a pounding headache, and body aches. Of course, the only way to truly avoid a hangover is abstinence.  However, there are ways to reduce these symptoms. In this guide we will share 10 tips for preventing a hangover while traveling.

Alcohol can create inflammation due to a response from your immune system. As a result, this may affect your appetite, concentration, and memory performance. It can also irritate the stomach by producing excessive amounts of acid which can lead to vomiting and nausea. Additionally, it reduces blood sugar levels quickly, leading to symptoms such as shaking and fatigue. It also affects the blood vessels causing dilation which can lead to a severe headache. 

1. Take Supplements

If you go overboard and consume too much alcohol, taking hangover supplements can ease symptoms the next day. Vitamins such as B-1, B-6, and B-12 and Vitamin C replenish the body with nutrients. Alcohol removes essential vitamins from the system. While replacing them won’t provide a 100 percent guarantee of a full recovery, they will aid in reducing the symptoms. 

2. Moderation

One of the best ways to avoid feeling sick the next day after consuming alcohol is to drink in moderation. Whether on vacation to new and exciting places around the world or planning a party at home, limiting drinks to one or two per hour will help to prevent a hangover.

3. Avoid Drinking on an Empty Stomach

Eating foods with a nutritional value prior to drinking will prevent alcohol from being absorbed quickly. Heavier foods such as fatty ones and those containing high amounts of fiber will create a barrier that slows the alcohol absorption process helping to prevent a hangover. 

4. Drink Water

It is a fact that alcohol can cause you to become dehydrated by creating frequent urination. In order to avoid this, drink plenty of water during your night of drinking. Consuming water during and after a night of drinking will also assist in the release of toxins from the body. 

5. Steer Clear of Congeners

Congeners make a drink appear appetizing. They enhance the flavor and the color of the beverage. However, they may become poisonous aldehydes when digested into the body. Instead, try to select alcoholic beverages that are lighter in color and use a higher filtration process. 

6. Do not Mix Drinks

One of the lessons people often learn after they experience a wicked hangover is to pick one alcoholic beverage and stick with it. Switching from wine to beer and then to hard liquor is a recipe for a full day of sickness. 

7. Non-Carbonated Beverages

Carbonated alcoholic beverages can increase the rate of absorption into the bloodstream. They may also hinder sufficient levels of oxygen from getting into the bloodstream. Avoid making mixed drinks that use a carbonated beverage as a filler.

8. Alcohol Poisoning

While a hangover is awful, a night of excessive drinking can cause your body to shut down. It’s important to know the warning signs. If you find that you or someone you know has slower or irregular breathing, looks pale, is vomiting, and seems confused, they may have alcohol poisoning. Symptoms may vary. However, it’s important to seek medical help immediately. 

9. A Restless Night’s Sleep

Initially, alcohol acts as a relaxer making you feel calm and happy. However, if you consume too much in a short period of time it will prevent you from falling asleep. This will leave you feeling disconnected and lethargic upon waking. 

There is nothing wrong with having a couple of alcoholic beverages while on vacation, special events, and holidays. However, overindulging can lead to feeling sick the next day. If you eat before drinking, avoid mixing drinks, drink plenty of water, and limit your consumption to two or less per hour, you’ll improve your chances.  

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