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The Ultimate Blogger Gift Guide in 2025

Over the years we have learned the true value of things that is why we understand that sometimes having less is having more. In this gift guide we have chosen our favorite items that any travel blogger will love. They are all the perfect gift for that nomad in your life. We have chosen items from different price range as well as for different scenarios. The most important thing is to make blogging and traveling light and fun!

 Travel Notebook

Every travel blogger needs to carry a notebook for travel notes. When you travel you end up learning so much that it is hard to keep track of attraction’s hours, how to get places and sometimes even what you did and in what order. A notebook is the perfect inexpensive gift for every blogger.

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Camera Bag

One of the most important things we have learned throughout the years is to keep good care of our camera equipment. We have made quite an investment and it is worth keeping it safe in a good camera bag.

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 WiFi Hotspot

The most important thing for an influencer is to stay connected no matter where you are. You have to be on top of your blog and social media channels. It can be hard to find wifi everywhere which is why it is key to always carry a wifi hotspot with you.

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External Cell Phone lenses

If you are a beginner or a bloggers who does not like carrying a heavy DSLR camera, these lenses are made for you. You can pick from a range of professional lenses that easily slip right onto your iPhone’s camera.

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The majority of the times we travel with only two backpacks, in one we put all of our digital gear such as computer, cameras, external drives, etc and in the other we pack our clothes. This backpack is compact and honestly you can fit pretty much anything. It is our favorite backpack!

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Sony A7IV

This mirrorless camera is a great mid-level camera for every traveller and blogger. It is the perfect upgrade to your travel bag if you are looking to improve your photos from while traveling the world.

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 Content Planner

It is hard to be a blogger. You have to be on top of your game and work at any hour of the day. It is essential to be organized to grow your business. This content planner has helped us organize our duties and miss deadlines. This physical planner is made specifically for blogging and social media content producers.

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External Hard Drive

The best gift you can give a blogger is the security of having their photos and content backed up. A hard drive is the perfect gift for any blogger who needs to backup all of their photos. We learned the hard way when we lost all the content we produced on our Eurotrip.

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Foldable Headphones

I love my foldable headphones as they take less space and reduce the noise while traveling. It is perfect when traveling next to children or pets to avoid their noise.

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Canon M6

This small mirrorless camera takes the perfect high quality images and videos along your adventure. Being lightweight and compact means this camera can fit in any size bag.

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Manfrotto Travel Tripod

After years of traveling we realized that the best photos of us as a couple came from a tripod. We found by asking fellow travelers for help that everyone knows how to take a picture but not how to take the perfect picture. We now always travel with a tripod to get the perfect shot.

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 Packing Cubes

Packing cubes have saved us so much time and effort while packing. No need to empty out your entire bag to find a pair of socks! Any traveler will be more than happy to receive a set.

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